Drowning has to be one of the scariest things you could ever experience. Imagine needing to breathe, but taking in water instead of air! Then you decide to stop breathing so you can stop taking in water, but your body instinctively tries to pull in some more air to keep you alive… And then you’ve got more water in you. It’s an ugly situation one hopes never to experience. It’s…
Falling dreams are usually not fun. Have you been plagued by them lately? Are you wondering what meaning they might have for you? Read on to find out! 1. You’re plagued with insecurities If you’re going through a very difficult time in your life, where you’re not sure where up or down are, then it’s not unusual for you to dream of falling. A falling dream can be a reflection…
Are you curious about the possible meanings of your elevator dream? You want to be absolutely sure what it means? Well, dream interpretation is not an exact science. You have to weigh the meaning your dream might have, against the context in which you had the dream, and what you may be currently facing in life. That said, here are a few likely meanings your elevator dream might have. 1.…
You’re on this page because you had a dream about a black cat. You’re curious enough to want to find out exactly what it means, if anything. Some say it’s good luck, some say it’s bad. Which is it, exactly? Read on, with an open mind – and with some discernment. 1. You don’t trust yourself If you dreamed of a black cat, it could mean that you don’t trust…
Have you had a dream about a crow? If you’re curious what it could possibly mean, then you’ve come to the right page! Remember, when it comes to interpreting dreams, the meanings could vary a lot, from absolutely nothing, to something which could be anything, depending on the context and beliefs surrounding the interpretation. What we’re trying to say is please consider the meanings we provide carefully, as they may…
Dreams about horses can have various meanings, depending on the context. Have you been dreaming about horses? Wondering what it might mean? Maybe your spirit animal is a horse. Maybe you used to be a horse in a former life. Maybe you should go bet your life savings on some horse in a race. What could this horsey dream mean? We’ll give you a few possible meanings, but remember: always…
Snakes. Some people love them. Others are deathly afraid of them. Almost everyone has dreams of them. Generally, snakes tend to have a very bad rep – what with them being venomous and all. But does this mean your snake dreams are bad news for you? Let’s explore the possible meanings they might have. 1. You’re dealing with hurtful things someone has said about you If in your dream, a…
Wolves. They’re majestic. They’re scary. Depends on who you ask. If you have been dreaming about wolves, and would like to know exactly what it means, then you’re in luck! We’re going to give you a list of possible meanings. Be sure to take it all with a pinch of salt! In the end, your dream might simply be random. So, do those wolf dreams mean you’re secretly a werewolf,…
If you’re dreaming of rats, it could mean you suffered from the bubonic plague in your past life. Just kidding. You’re here to find out what your dreams about rats might mean, and we’re happy to help! Some people have rats as pets, and some people absolutely loathe them. This could play a part in determining what your rat dream means to you. We’re going to give you a few…