What Does It Mean When You Dream about Drowning?

Drowning has to be one of the scariest things you could ever experience. Imagine needing to breathe, but taking in water instead of air!

Then you decide to stop breathing so you can stop taking in water, but your body instinctively tries to pull in some more air to keep you alive… And then you’ve got more water in you. It’s an ugly situation one hopes never to experience.

It’s no less unpleasant dreaming about drowning. So what could this possibly mean? Let’s analyze this.

1. You’ve got the covers up over your nose

Sometimes, your dream about drowning is nothing too deep. It might be you’ve turned over in bed in such a way that the covers are blocking your nose, not allowing you to draw in as much oxygen as you need.

The subconscious mind is amazing. You know how you have dreams about needing to pee, and then you wake up and go pee (if you haven’t already wet the bed?) Your subconscious mind could use a drowning dream to get you to readjust the covers and pillows so you can breathe better.

You know how you have dreams about needing to pee, and then you wake up and go pee (if you haven’t already wet the bed?) Your subconscious mind could use a drowning dream to get you to readjust the covers and pillows so you can breathe better.

2. You’ve got a blocked nose

Just like in the previous case, your drowning dream could simply be a reflection of what’s going on with you in bed, at the moment. If you’ve got yourself a nasty cold, the kind that just clogs up your airways, then it’s not weird to have a dream about drowning.

You can’t breathe in water, obviously. Your subconscious might be signalling to you that you need to get up and blow your nose, or simply re-adjust your body so you can take in as much air as you can.

3. You feel overwhelmed

You might have a lot of things piling up on you. Bills to pay, a marriage to keep on track, a business that needs to stay afloat, a court case, and so on.

Whatever it is that has been bothering you, can be likened to the ocean or sea, with you completely immersed in it, and being so choked up and unable to breathe. It’s not weird for your subconscious mind to make that association and cook you up a dream that reflects your current situation in life.

4. You have a tumultuous relationship

It could be with a lover, a friend, or a business partner. If it’s a relationship that matters, and is constantly being strained and put to the test, then that could be the significance of your drowning dream.

If you happen to survive the drowning, then that’s good news. It means no matter what happens with this relationship, you will come out on top, and very okay.

5. Something’s holding you back

If you’re dreaming about drowning, it could be a representation of the fact that there is something keeping you from moving forward in some aspect of your life.

If you’ve constantly felt like you could be, do, and have so much more, but you’re just stuck in a rut, then your dreams about drowning are simply showing you you need to look through your life, find those elements that act as anchors holding you down, and cut them off.